We don’t want to play favorites … but we’re fine with our fans doing just that. Berres Brothers customers have spoken, and here are their ten favorite coffee flavors.
10. Southern Pecan Cream
Let’s paint a picture. Southern Pecan Cream is like napping on a breezy, blue-hued porch in the southern sun. Your chillest playlist is on shuffle and the rustle of pecan trees lulls you into a blissed-out coma (and your phone is on silent). Folks love this coffee for its mild pecan flavors nestled in creamy richness. Reviews say:
“One of our favorite flavors! We buy the whole bean and grind at home and immediately you can smell the pecans! Perfect blend of nuttiness and great coffee!” - Lisa
“This has quickly become a favorite, and so happy that it is available in decaf so I can drink it all day!! Very smooth and has great flavor!” - Wendy
Road trip to that hypothetical Southern porch now.
9. Chocolate Raspberry
Juicy raspberry, silky chocolate, and a rich cup of coffee. Chocolate Raspberry is equal parts ripe Farmers Market fruit and silky-smooth gourmet chocolate, roasted particularly for those who crave chocolate-dipped berries. Fans say:
“Just the right mixture, the coffee blends with the chocolate, and the chocolate melds with the raspberries.” - Paul
“I cannot drink any other coffee – I take it with me everywhere I travel. No better flavor.” - Lorene
Two words: treat yourself. Start your Chocolate Raspberry phase now.
8. Mocha Mint Grogg
Imagine a scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream splashing into a cup of coffee: Mocha Mint Grogg is just that good. It’s also part of our Grogg family of coffees, and is beloved by fans for being brisk and enlightening with Swiss chocolate and peppermint flavors. Mocha Mint lovers say:
“The perfect blend of flavors with a delicious mint taste that lingers just right when you drink it. I can't get enough of it! THANK YOU for making this!!!!!” - Brittany
“This is absolutely my favorite flavored coffee. I prefer mint and of all that I have tried, this mint appeals to my taste buds the best.” - Dallas
Fall in love with Mocha Mint here.
7. Banana Nut Bread
This flavor had a main character moment a few years back, and for good reason. As *the* PopSugar article said,
“Basically, if a loaf of your best banana bread and a bag of 100 percent Arabica coffee beans had a baby, the result would be this. I don't know how the Berres Brothers achieved such a delightful balance but I'm so glad they did.” - Kalea Martin
“Best?” “Delightful?” We like those descriptors. Peel open your own bag of Banana Nut Bread flavored coffee and let us know what you think.
6. Vanilla Wave Grogg
Take your favorite cup of black coffee and add velvety swirls of luscious vanilla flavor—that’s what you get in our signature vanilla variety. You’ll notice touches of hazelnut, too, making this a pleasantly sweet, well-rounded pick for any flavored coffee lover or sweet tooth owner.
“Sweet and fills the room with a nice aroma of vanilla. Great to wake up to in the morning!” - Vicky
“I love Vanilla Grogg! Tried your sample coffee assortment, and decided this was my favorite. Just ordered 2 lbs!! Mmmmm Good! :)” - Mary Beth
Get your own Vanilla Wave Grogg!
5. Packer Perc
Yes, those Packers. Potential NFL reference aside (what’s good, legal team?!), Packer Perc gets its surname for being delightfully perky and addictingly smooth. You’ll pick up on hazelnut and Irish cream notes in our MVP flavor. Fans say:
“Berres Bros coffee is delicious! I haven't been disappointed with any flavor I've tried & I've tried plenty! Great coffee!!” - Diane
“I’m not usually one for flavored coffee but I received a little sample bag as a gift so I tried it this morning. Packer Perc has changed my mind. Drinking it black and unsweetened because it’s so perfect!”- Emma
Unless you’re a Bears fan, Packer Perc is in stock and ready for you to take home.
4. Streusel Cake
Coffee, spice, and everything nice. Streusel Cake is a spicy little number (via cinnamon) and a failsafe pick for brunch with your besties or coffee with family on cozy weekend mornings (or for chugging on your morning commute). Streusel lovers say:
“The first time I tried this I was amazed. Normally all I would drink was Columbian coffee! So now I have to have this because all I do is crave it.” - Peggy
“My wife and I have been fanatics of streusel cake flavored coffee for almost three decades. We were introduced to a sampling at a local kitchen retail store in Florida in the mid-‘90s and became hooked ever since.” - Jay and Donna
Get your own Streusel Cake right here.
3. Caramel Overload Grogg
Another member of our Grogg family, this coffee is like a caramel factory set up shop in your mouth. In other words, it’s Highlander Grogg’s ooey-gooey, caramel-forward sister flavor. As our fans say:
“This is in-yo-face deliciousness! Makes getting up early all worth it!” -Ginger
“I love the flavor of this. I can't have just one cup. I made a pot at work the other day and my coworker loved it too, she asked me what it was!” - Bridget
Grab your own bag of Caramel Overload Grogg now.
2. Awaken
This is about as good as a classic morning coffee gets. Awaken your taste buds then awaken your soul—it’s balanced and smooth yet lively enough to get you up and going for the day. This is what Awaken die-hards say:
“Awaken is exceptionally good. Very impressive blend.” - Roderick
“THIS IS THE BEST COFFEE I HAVE EVER HAD!!! By a long shot!!!!! I like it hot! Cold! Warm! With a little sugar, or a lot! A little creamer, a lot, or none! Tbh most of the time none. Anyways, as long as this coffee is around. It will ALWAYS be a favorite of mine.” - Muscle Russell
Can you really doubt a trustworthy source such as Muscle Russell? Give Awaken a try for yourself.
1. Highlander Grogg
Like frolicking in a sunny Scottish meadow scented with caramel, butterscotch, and hazelnut, Highlander Grogg is a smooth, sweet blend that has become iconic amongst our fans. Here’s a snapshot of what they say:
“We were all hooked by the first smell! We brewed the first pot and practically licked our cups clean and could not wait to brew that next pot.” - Lisa
“Being a Scottish Lord, I was drawn to Highlander Grogg. To say this is an exceptional coffee is like saying Mount Everest is just a hill. You take your first sip and no matter how the rest of your day progresses, you start it in sheer bliss!” - Lord Scott Grant
We couldn’t even make up that review from a legit Scottish lord; it’s the real deal. If we got you hooked, pick up some Highlander Grogg right now.
What’s your favorite flavored coffee?
Enough about us—it’s time to talk about you. What is your dream coffee flavor? We’re always listening. In fact, we introduce new flavors based on fan requests all the time. Drop a comment here and we’ll take it from there!
Want more? Explore our 40 beloved flavored coffees here. We have tried-and-true classics for everyday and bold brews for special occasions. Whatever your vibe is, we can match it.
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